The Mexican Official Standard NOM-259-SSA1-2022 on Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetic Products (hereinafter, the “NOM 259”), aims at establishing the minimum requirements to be met on good practices for the processing and importation of cosmetic products intended for the final consumer in Mexico, and is mandatory for all establishments engaged in the processing and/or importation of cosmetic products marketed in Mexico.
NOM 259 was published in the Mexican Official Gazette on July 5, 2022, and its transitory articles set forth that:
- NOM 259 would enter into force 60 calendar days after its publication in the Mexican Official Gazette first transitory article).
- The documentation system set forth in NOM 259 had to be complied with within 180 calendar days after its publication in the Mexican Official Gazette (second transitory article).
- The adaptation of the facilities and services indicated in NOM 259 had to be achieved within 240 calendar days after its publication in the Mexican Official Gazette (third transitory article).
However, on September 27, 2022, an amendment to NOM 259 was published in the Mexican Official Gazette; such amendment is aimed at setting forth only one deadline for complying with NOM 259, according to the following:
- The deadline for the entry into force of NOM 259 was extended to 360 calendar days from July 5, 2022, when NOM 259 was published in the Mexican Official Gazette.
- The deadlines set forth in its second and third transitory articles were eliminated.
As a result of this amendment, all the provisions of NOM 259 will enter into force 360 calendar days after its publication in the Mexican Official Gazette, that is, on June 30, 2023.
If you need additional information regarding the contents of this document or if you need legal assistance, please contact:
Luis López Linaldi – Partner
Phone: +52 55 50015409
Alan Osorio Aragón – Associate
Phone: +52 55 50620074